Thursday, June 28, 2012

Effective clinical governance: Dan Bucsko on maintaining and improving the quality of patient care

Clinical governance is a responsibility held by healthcare administrators, including Dan Bucsko, who employ a systematic approach to maintaining and improving the quality of patient care within a health system. These professionals are positioned to address the structures, systems, and processes that assure the quality, accountability, and proper management of an organization’s operation and delivery of service.

Daniel Bucsko Image Credit:

Because it functions as a catalyst in augmenting the quality of healthcare services, clinical governance requires advocates. It needs systems and people who will safeguard high standards, promote best practices, and develop first-rate clinical procedures. The following are some of the elements of clinical governance that every healthcare administrator must be aware of:

With over 15 years of professional experience in the healthcare insurance industry, Dan Bucsko has been actively involved in the activities of the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) and currently serves as the National Chair of the Professional Ethics Committee.

Daniel Bucsko Image Credit:

Clinical audit
Clinical audit refers to the evaluation of clinical performance, the polishing of clinical practices, and the assessment of professional performance in relation to the measurements set by various standards—a recurring process of advancing the quality of clinical care.

Research and development
Excellence in practice sprouts from a strong foundation of comprehensive research. Techniques such as critical appraisal of the literature, project management, and the development of guidelines, protocols, and implementation strategies are all crucial in upholding the value of research practice.

Information Management
A health system’s effectiveness can be determined through measuring the efficiency by which information sources (patient records, management history, research surveys, etc.) are used. This is substantially important in detecting health problems, assigning priorities, identifying solutions, and allocating resources to areas that badly need them.

Daniel Bucsko Image Credit:

More information about Dan Bucsko can be read on this Facebook page.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Celebrating the history of San Francisco: Daniel Bucsko runs Zazzle Bay to Breakers 12k races

Healthcare management expert Daniel Bucsko is one with San Francisco people in celebrating the city’s uniqueness and audacity. By joining the Zazzle Bay To Breakers races regularly, he takes part in the race’s remarkable history, and that of the city’s.

Daniel Bucsko. Image Credit:

The Zazzle Bay To Breakers race was first held on January 1, 1912. Known first as the Cross City Race, the competition is one of the events held in San Francisco to lift civic morale, one that was borne out of one of the most difficult trials the city has ever experienced. More than a century ago, San Francisco was hit by a strong earthquake, causing the city huge damages.

Daniel Bucsko. Image Credit:

Daniel Bucsko regularly competes in Zazzle Bay To Breakers 12k races.”

As a testament to the city’s courage in times of trial, the Zazzle Bay To Breakers race is held every year. During the race, thousands of participants run across the City from the Bay to the Pacific Ocean, enjoying the beautiful but challenging course that is specially designed to attract serious runners. In 1986, the race set a world record by having 110,000 participants.

Right now, the race remains one of world’s largest and oldest footraces, joined regularly by world-class athletes and running enthusiasts.

Daniel Bucsko. Image Credit:

Daniel Bucsko is a finisher of Zazzle Bay To Breakers 2008, 2006, 2003, and 2002 races. Learn more about him by visiting this Facebook Page.