Monday, October 29, 2012

Dan Bucsko: Upholding ethical standards among healthcare executives

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Healthcare executives, like other professionals, are expected to adhere to a set of ethical standards in the conduct of their profession. This latest blog entry for Dan Bucsko provides an overview of the Code of Ethics as promulgated by the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Healthcare administration, being a recognized profession altogether, is required to have its own ethical principles for its practitioners to abide to. As such, the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), the largest international professional organization for healthcare executives, took the initiative to draft a Code of Ethics for its 40,000 members to incorporate in practice.

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ACHE’s Code of Ethics contains standards of ethical behavior for healthcare executives to observe in their professional relationships. In so doing, healthcare executives contribute toward achieving the fundamental objectives of the healthcare management profession such as the maintenance or enhancement of overall quality of life and creating a more efficient healthcare delivery system.

Dan Bucsko and other healthcare executives have an inherent obligation to act in manners that foster respect, confidence, and trust of the general public to healthcare professionals. Because of this accountability, they are expected to lead lives that exemplify only the highest ethical standards in words and in deeds.

Being leaders in their own rights, healthcare executives must strive to become models so that through their decisions and actions, they may reflect personal integrity that is worthy of emulation.

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Dan Bucsko is board certified as a fellow with the ACHE. For more updates, follow this Twitter account.

Daniel Bucsko on making ethical decisions

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Because the upshots of their decisions are far-reaching, healthcare executives like Daniel Bucsko are accorded a great responsibility in ensuring that every resolution has undergone thorough analysis and ethical deliberation.

In consonance, the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), the largest professional organization of healthcare executives, stress the significance of ethics in the decision-making process. Since its inception in 1993, ACHE has been consistently releasing and revising its policy statement on ethical decision making for healthcare executives to cater to the demands of the time.

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According to 2011 revision of the policy statement, “Ethical decision making is required when the healthcare executive must address a conflict or uncertainty regarding competing values, such as personal, organizational, professional and societal values.” In this sense, healthcare executives like Daniel Bucsko are urged to consider all ethical principles in the decision-making process.

The ethical principles include the following:

Justice. Healthcare executives must always promote equity and fairness in every situation. In healthcare, this may be applied by ensuring the fair allocation of resources and ensuring that the care provided should be equal regardless of race, creed, gender, and color.

Autonomy. By respecting everyone’s right to autonomy, a healthcare executive also values human rights, values, and choices.

Beneficence. Beneficence—or the active promotion of good—may be done by providing optimal health benefits, balancing the benefits and risks of harm, and considering the best interests for subordinates.

Nonmaleficence. A healthcare executive is also expected to make sure that no harm befalls his constituents. This may be promoted by avoiding deliberate harm, always considering the degree of risk permissible, and always making sure that benefits greatly offset the risks.

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Daniel Bucsko is a healthcare executive with more than 15 years of experience in the industry. For more information, visit

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dan Bucsko and the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management

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Since its inception in 1980, the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) has become the primary go-to resource for healthcare risk managers, like Dan Bucsko. Throughout its 32 years of existence, ASHRM has tirelessly worked to achieve its goals of using its service as a means for support, information, and collaboration among healthcare risk managers—unfalteringly proclaiming its message of safe and trusted healthcare. The organization began as the American Society for Hospital Risk Management; however, in response to the unprecedented expansion of medical care settings in recent years, it evolved into the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management. It currently has over 5,400 members and 50 affiliated local chapters across the US, representing a variety of healthcare-related entities with clinical, legal, and financial interests.

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ASHRM supports healthcare risk managers, like Dan Bucsko, by serving as their voice in the international community. The society has become the global resource in the field of healthcare risk management, serving its members’ relentlessly changing needs by providing world-class education opportunities and operational networking prospects.  

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Striving to get past the swift transitions in society that have drastically transformed the entire healthcare system, ASHRM continues to tell its story to institutions and employers by communicating the value of risk management as a discipline and as a profession. 
Dan Bucsko is renowned his extensive knowledge and experiences in the healthcare arena. Learn more about him by visiting this website.